

1. Adizes, Ichak, with Griffin, Patrick H.: Managing the Performing Arts Organization: Founding Principles in the Management of the Arts (Santa Monica, CA: The Adizes Institute, 1999).

2. Adizes, I. and Zukin, P. «A Management Approach to Health Planning in Developing Countries». Health Care Management Review 2, 1 (1977).

3. Adizes, Ichak. Industrial Democracy, Yugoslav Style: The Effect of Decentralization on Organizational Behavior (New York: Free Press, 1971; reprinted by MDOR Institute, 1977, paper).

4. Более подробно эта тема освещена в первой книге данной серии: Adizes, Ichak: The Ideal Executive: Why You Cannot Be One and What to Do about It (Santa Barbara, CA: The Adizes Institute, 2004), Ch. 1.

5. Более подробно об этом см. Adizes, Ichak. Managing Corporate Lifecycles (Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1999), Ch. 12.

6. Drucker, Peter F. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (New York: Harper & Row, 1973), p. 616.

7. Fowler, Elizabeth M. «The Team Approved at the Top», The New York Times (Business section, Sept. 16, 1977).

8. В упомянутой работе Managing Corporate Lifecycles.

9. Другим источником конфликта в управленческих командах является различие интересов. Об этом см. в книге The Ideal Executive.

10. В упомянутой работе The Ideal Executive.

11. Adizes, Ichak. Management/Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What to Do about It (Santa Barbara, CA: The Adizes Institute, 2004).

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