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Adizes, I. «Management in Der Demokratischen Organisationen». Annalen der Gemeinwirtschaft 41 (Januar-Marz, 1972).
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Adizes, I. «Uloga Vodstva v Demokraticnih (Skupnostnih) Organizacijskih Strukturah» [ «The Role of Management in Democratic Organization»] Moderna Organizacija 6 (1972): 437–451.
Adizes, I. and Weston, F. «Comparative Models of Social Responsibility». Journal of the Academy of Management 16, 1 (1973): 112–129. Reprinted in F. Luthans and R.M. Hodgetts, Social Issues in Business. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Adizes, I. «Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (I)». «The Role of Management in Democratic Organization». Gerencia. Instituto Peruano de Administracion de Empresas (IPAE) Lima, Peru (Noviembre/Diciembre, 1976): 23–76.
Adizes, I. «On Conflict Resolution and an Organizational Definition of Self-Management» in Participation and Self Management, Volume 5 «Social System and Participation», 1–73. First International Sociological Conference on Participation and Self-Management. Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1973).
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Adizes, I. and McWhinney, W. «Arts, Society and Administration: The Role and Training of Arts Administrators, Arts and Society». Arts and Society, 10, 3 (1974): 40–50.
Adizes, I. «Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (II) Management and Communal Structures». Gerencia, IPAE (January/February, 1974): 36–43.
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Adizes, I. «The Cost of Being an Artist: An Argument for the Public Support of the Arts». California Management Review 17 (Summer, 1975): 80–84.
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Adizes, I. «Mismanagement Styles». California Management Review 19, 2 (1976): 5–20.
Adizes, I. «Seattle Opera Association». Business Policy: Strategy Formation and Management Action, ed. W. Glueck, 610–634. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.
Adizes, I. and Zukin, P. «A Management Approach to Health Planning in Developing Countries». Health Care Management Review 2, 1 (1977): 19–37.
Adizes, I. «Industrial Democracy and Codetermination». Encyclopedia of Professional Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
Zupanov, J. and Adizes, I., «Labor Relations in Yugoslavia». Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Industrial Relations, ed. A. Blum. Westwood, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.
Adizes, I. «Mismanagement». Affarsekonomi Management. Stockholm, Sweden, 1978.
Adizes, I. «Organizational Passages: Tools for Diagnosis and Therapy of Organizational Behavior». Organizational Dynamics 8, 3 (Summer, 1979): 28–46.
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Adizes, I. «Back to Basics: Mutual Trust and Respect and Productivity». Executive Excellence, 10, 10 (1993): 11–13.
Adizes, I. «Managing: The Business of Mutual Trust and Respect». Manage 45, 1 (1993): 26–28.
Adizes, I. «Twelve Tips on Keeping Your Growing Business at Prime». Manage 44, 3 (1993): 14–17.
Adizes, I. «Corporate Lifecycles: Entrepreneurship and Integration». In Management and Entrepreneurship, the English version, ed. I. Vaji, 168 172. Vol. II. Centar za Management i Marketing, University of Zagreb: Zagreb University Press, 1994.
Adizes, I. «How to Convert a Committee into a Team». Successful Meetings 43, 2 (1994): 115–118.
Adizes, I. «Integrating Innovation». Executive Excellence. 11, 11 (1994): 12–13.
Adizes, I. «Keeping the Fires Burning [about TQM]». Manage 46, 1 (1994): 12, 16.
Adizes, I. «Information Superhighway: Overloading Human Potential». Executive Excellence 12, 4 (1995): 15.
Adizes, I. «What Comes First? Strategy or Structure?» Executive Excellence 2, 9 (1995): 20.
Adizes, I. «Eight Myths [about management]: Getting Right the People Dimension of Business». Executive Excellence 14, 9 (1997): 20.
Adizes, I. «Five Myths about Management in the 1990s». Manage 48 (July, 1997): 30–32.
Adizes, I. «Looking for Mr./Ms. Perfect: The Search for the Right Professional Manager in a Growing Company». Progress 2, 1 (1998): 14–15.
Adizes, I. «Self-Esteem: Who Cares?» The Adizes Institute Journal of Organizational Transformation 1, 1 (1998): 7–16.
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