Глава 20. Опережая события

Глава 20. Опережая события

1. Часто новый вожак первым делом убивает всех детенышей в стае, чтобы получить возможность произвести новое потомство и передать ему свои гены.

2. Richard Foster and Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Were Built to Last Underperform the Markets – and How to Successfully Transform Them (New York: Doubleday, 2001), 47.

3. Alfred Rappaport and Michael J. Mauboussin, Expectations Investing: Reading Stock Prices for Better Returns (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2001).

4. Foster and Kaplan, Creative Destruction; Everett Rodgers, The Diffusion of Innovation (New York: Free Press, 1995); and Geoffrey A. Moore, Paul Johnson, and Tom Kippola, The Gorilla Game: Picking Winners in High Technology (New York: HarperBusiness, 1999).

5. Michael J. Mauboussin and Alexander Schay, “Innovation and Markets: How Innovation Affects the Investing Process”, Credit Suisse First Boston Equity Research, December 12, 2000.

6. Gregory Zuckerman, “Stars of the ‘90s Aren’t Likely to Lead the Next Rally”, Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2001.

7. John Y. Campbell, Martin Lettau, Burton Malkiel, and Yexiao Xu, “Have Individual Stocks Become More Volatile? An Empirical Explanation of Idiosyncratic Risk”, Journal of Finance 54 (February 2001): 1–43.

8. Corporate Strategy Board, “Stall Points: Barriers to Growth for the Large Corporate Enterprise”, Corporate Strategy Board (March 1998).

9. Alfred Rappaport and Michael J. Mauboussin, “Exploiting Expectations”, Fortune, January 21, 2002, 113–15.

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