К главе 2
К главе 2
Andr?ad?s, A. History of the Bank of England, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1909.
Bullion Committee. Report from the Select Committee on the High Price of Bullion. Ordered by the House of Commons to be Printed 8th June, 1810, London. [См. также: Cannan, Edwin, Editor.]
Caesar, Gaius Julius. The Gallic War, trans, by H. J. Edwards, Loeb Classical Library, G. P. Putnam’s Sons (Knickerbocker Press), New York, 1919.
Cannan, Edwin, Editor. The Paper Pound of 1797—1821, a reprint of the Bullion Committee Report, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1919.
Carlile, William Warrand. The Evolution of Modern Money, Macmillan & Company Ltd., London, 1901.
Del Mar, A. A History of the Precious Metals, George Bell & Sons, Ltd., London, 1880.
Feavearyear, A. E. The Pound Sterling – A History of English Money (with Bibliography), Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1931.
Grueber, H. A. Handbook of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum, British Museum, London 1899.
Hawkins, Edward. The Silver Coins of England, Edward Lumley, London, 1841.
Hawtrey, R. G. Currency and Credit, Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1930.
Hawtrey, R. G. The Gold Standard in Theory and Practice, Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1927.
International Monetary Conference of 1878. Report, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1879. Jacob, William. An Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the Precious Metals, 2 vols., John Murray, London, 1831.
Jevons, W. Stanley. Investigations in Currency and Finance, Macmillan & Company, Ltd., London, 1909.
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. Money, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1935.
Kenyon, Robert Lloyd. The Gold Coins of England, Bernard Quaritch, London, 1884.
Leake, Stephen Martin. An Historical Account of English Money, 2d ed., W. Meadows, London, 1745.
Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of. A Treatise on the Coins of the Realm; in a Letter to the King, E. Wilson, London, 1880.
McCulloch, J. R., Editor. Old and Scarce Tracts on Money, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1933.
Martin, John Biddulph. Seigniorage and Mint Charges, Journal of the Institute of Bankers, V, 1884.
Newton, Sir Isaac. Representations on the Subject of Money, 1711—1712 and 1717, published in J. R. McCulloch’s Old and Scarce Tracts on Money, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1933.
Nicholson, J. Shield. A Treatise on Money and Monetary Problems, 3d ed., A. & С Black, Inc., London, 1895.
North, Sir Dudley. Discourses upon Trade, 1691. Reprinted and edited by Jacob H. Hollander, Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Md., 1907.
Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, Editor. Dictionary of Political Economy, 3 vols., Macmillan & Company, Ltd., London, 1926.
Palgrave, R. H. Inglis. The Gold Coinage, Journal of the Institute of Bankers, V, 1884.
Ruding, Rogers. Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and Its Dependencies from the Earliest Period of Authentic History to the Reign of Victoria, 3d ed., 3 vols., John Hearne, London, 1840.
Shaw, W. A. The History of Currency 1252—1894, 2d ed., G. P. Putnam’s Sons (Knickerbocker Press), New York, 1896.
Silberling, Norman J. British Prices and Business Cycles 1779—1850, The Review of Economic Statistics, Prel. vol. V (1923), Supplement 2.
Snelling, Thomas. A View of the Gold Coin of England from Henry the Third to the Present Time, T. Snelling, London, 1763.
Walker, Francis A. International Bimetallism, Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York, 1897.
Young, John Parke. European Currency and Finance, 2 vols., Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1925.
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