К главе 5
К главе 5
Arndt, E. H. D. Banking and Currency Developments in South Africa (1652—1927), Juta & Co., Ltd., Cape Town, 1928.
DeKock, M. H. The Economic Development of South Africa, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1936.
DeKock, M. H. Economic History of South Africa, Juta & Co., Ltd., Cape Town, 1924.
Federal Reserve Bulletins, 1919, 1920, 1935, and 1943.
Fetter, Frank Whitson. Gresham’s Law and the Chilean Peso, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 41 (1933).
Gold Policy and Foreign Commerce of the Scandinavian Countries, 1914—1919, Federal Reserve Bulletin, 1920.
Graham, Frank D., and Charles R. Whittlesey. Golden Avalanche, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1939.
Gregory, Т. Е. The Gold Standard and Its Future, E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., New York, 1931.
Jevons, W. Stanley. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange, D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New York, 1875.
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. Mexico’s Monetary Experience in 1917, American Economic Review, Supplement, March, 1918.
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. Modern Currency Reforms, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1916.
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. Gold and the Gold Standard, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. LXXI (1932).
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter, and Gerard Vissering. Report on the Resumption of Gold Payments by the Union of South Africa, Government Printing and Stationery Office, Pretoria, 192S.
Keynes, Lord John Maynard. A Treatise on Money, vol. II, The Applied Theory of Money, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1930.
Keynes, Lord John Maynard. A Tract on Monetary Reform, Macmillan & Company, Ltd., London, 1923.
League of Nations. Interim Report of the Gold Delegation of the Financial Committee, Geneva, 1930.
League of Nations. Second Interim Report, 1931.
League of Nations. Report of the Gold Delegation of the Financial Committee, Geneva, 1932.
League of Nations. Selected Documents Submitted to the Gold Delegation of the Financial Committee, Geneva, 1930.
League of Nations. Selected Documents on the Distribution of Gold Submitted to the Gold Delegation of the Financial Commitee, Geneva, 1931.
Macmillan Committee. Committee on Finance and Industry, Report and Minutes of Evidence, 3 vols., His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1931.
Norman Wait Harris Memorial Foundation. Gold and Monetary Stabilization, Report of Round Tables, 1932, mimeographed, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 1932.
Richards, C. S. Currency in South Africa before Union, reprinted in the Kemmerer-Vissering Report on the Resumption of Gold Payments by the Union of South Africa, Government Printing and Stationery Office, Pretoria, 1925.
Rogers, James Harvey. America Weighs Her Gold, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1931.
Royal Institute of International Affairs. The International Gold Problem, Oxford University Press, London, 1931.
Spain’s Foreign Commerce and Finance, 1914—1919, Federal Reserve Bulletin, 1919.
Touzet, Andre. Emplois industriels des metaux precieux, V. Girard et E. Briere, Paris, 1911.
Union of South Africa. Report of the Select Committee on the Gold Standard, Cape Times, Ltd., Cape Town, 1932.
Union of South Africa. Report of the Select Committee on Embargo on Export of Specie, Cape Times, Ltd., Cape Town, 1920.
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