1 David Harvey. Neo-Liberalism and the Restoration of Class Power. http: // www. sum. uio. no / research / changing_attitudes / humanism / harvey080604. pdf.
2 G. W. Bush. President Addresses the Nation in Prime Time Press Conference. April 13th, 2004; http: // www. whitehouse, gov / news / releases / 2004 / 0420040413–20. html.
3 Цит. по: R. Williams. Culture and Society, 1780–1850. London: Chatto and Windus, 1958. P. 118.
4 A. Juhasz. Ambitions of Empire: the Bush Administration Economic Plan for Iraq (and Beyond) // Left Turn Magazine. No. 12. Feb / March 2004.
5 N. Klein. Of Course the White House Fears Free Elections in Iraq // The Guardian. January 24, 2004. P. 18.
6 T. Crampton. Iraqi Official Urges Caution On Imposing Free Market // New York Times. October 14, 2003. C. 5.
7 G. W. Bush. Securing Freedom’s Triumph // New York Times. September 11th, 2002. P. A33. «Стратегию национальной безопасности Соединенных Штатов Америки» см.: www.whitehouse. gov / nsc / nss.
8 J. Valdez. Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile. New York: Cambridge university Press, 1995.
9 G. Dumenil and D. Levy. Neo-Liberal Dynamics: A New Phase? Unpublished MS. 2004. P. 4. См. также: Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy, American Democracy in an Age of Rising Inequality, American Political Science Association, 2004. P. 3.
10 Ibid.
11 P. Armstrong, A. Glynn and J. Harrison. Capitalism Since World War II: The Making and Breaking of the Long Boom. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991.
12 Ibid.
13 Историю пути Тэтчер к неолиберализму см.: D. Yergin and J. Stanislaw. The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and Market Place that is Remaking the Modern World.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999.
14 L. Panitch and S. Gindin. Global Finance and American Empire // Socialist Register. 2005.
15 T. Edsall. The New Politics of Inequality. New York: Norton,1984. P. 217.
16 О комитетах политического действия см.: Ibid. P. 129–138; 235.
17 Ibid. P. 235.
18 Alvarez. Britain says U. S. planned to seize oil in ’73 crisis // New York Times. January 4, 2004. A6. О согласии Саудидов на возвращение нефтедолларов в оборот через Соединенные Штаты см.: P. Gowan. The Global Gamble: Washington’s Faustian Bid for World Dominance.
London: Verso, 1999.
19 D. Harvey. The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003; N. Smith. American Empire, Roosevelt’s Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
20 Panitch and Gindin. Op. cit.
21 Многие долговые кризисы 1980-х годов подробно рассмотрены в работе: Gowan. Op. cit.
22 Ibid.
23 G. Dumenil and D. Levy. The Economics of US Imperialism at the Turn of the 21st Century. Unpublished MS, 2004.
24 D. Stockman. The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed. New York: Harper-Collins, 1986.
25 C. Johnson. MITI and the Japanese Miracle. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1982.
26 Многие из этих вопросов рассматривались в 1980-х годах в «теории регулирования» — см.: R. Boyer. La Th?orie de la R?gulation: Une Analyse Critique. Paris: La D?couverte, 1986.
27 G. Dum?nil and H. Levy. Economie Marxiste du Capitalisme. Paris: La D?couverte, 2003; R. Brenner. The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy. London: Verso, 2002; Gowan. Op. cit.; R. Pollin. Contours of Descent. London: Verso, 2003.
28 Pollin. Op. cit.
29 B. Fine (ed.). Development Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond the Post-Washington Consensus. London: Routledge, 2001.
30 Трудно уследить за происходящими в Китае изменениями. Сообщения Азиатского банка развития и Asian Monitor в сочетании со статьями из финансовой печати позволяют дать некую грубую оценку. Si-ming Li and Wing-shing Tang. China’s Regions, Polity, and Economy: A Study of Spatial Transformation in the Post-Reform Era. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2000; D. Hale and L. Hale. China Takes Off // Foreign Affairs. 82 No. 6. 2003. P. 36–53. См.: H. McRae. Working for the Yangtze dollar // The Independent Review. November 18, 2003. P. 2–3; K. Bradsher. Is China the next bubble? // New York Times. January 18, 2004. Section 3. P. 1 and 9; T. Crampton. Asia’s rally defies most expectations // International Herald Tribune. January 21, 17; L. Uchitelle. When the Chinese consumer is king // New York Times. December 14, 2003. Week in Review. P. 5; K. Bradsher. Consumerism grows in China, with Beijing’s blessing // New York Times. December 1, 2003. C15; K. Bradsher. China’s Strange Hybrid Economy // New York Times. November 21, 2003. C5; J. Kahn. China Seen Ready to Conciliate U. S. on Trade and Jobs // New York Times. September 2, 2003. A1 and C2; K. Bradsher. Like Japan in the 1980’s, China Poses Big Economic challenge // New York Times. March 2, 2004. A1 and C2; T. Fishman. The Chinese Century // New York Times Magazine. July 4, 2004. P. 24–51.
31 Wang Hui. China’s New Order: Society, Politics and Economy in Transition. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2003. P. 66.
32 Yasheng Huang. Foreign Direct Investment in China: An Asian Perspective. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998; Si-ming Li and Wing-shing Tang. Op. cit.; J. Kahn. Made in China, Bought in China: Multinationals Succeed, Two Decades Later // New York Times. January 5, 2003. Section 3. P. 1 and 10.
33 J. Khan. China’s leaders manage class conflict carefully // New York Times. January 25. Week in Review. P. 5; E. Eckholm. Where Workers, Too, Rust, Bitterness Boils Over // New York Times. March 20, 2002. A4; E. Eckholm. A Ming Town’s Sullen Peace Masks the Bitter Legacy of China’s Labor Strategy // New York Times. April 14. 2002. International Section. P. 8; E. Rosenthal. Workers’ Plight Brings New Militancy in China // New York Times. March 10. 2003. International Section A8; J. Kahn. Beijing Leaders Populist Touch Is Not Felt by Most Rural Poor // New York Times. January 10, 2004. A5.
34 J. Kahn. China Gambles on Big Projects for its Stability // New York Times. Jan 13, 2003. A1 and A8; H. French. New Boomtowns Change Path of China’s Growth // New York Times. July 26, 2004. A1 and A8.
35 Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Statement of Yasheng Huang, “Is China Playing by the Rules? Free Trade, Fair Trade, and WTO Compliance,” September 24, 2003. http: // www. cecc. gov / pages / hearings / 092403 / huang.php
36 K. Bradsher. GM to Speed Up Expansion in China // New York Times. June 8, 2004. W1 and 8.
37 Wang Hui. Op. cit. P. 53.
38 M. Hart-Landsberg and P. Burkett. China and Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle // Monthly Review. 56. No. 3.
39 Wang Hui. Op. cit. P. 57–58.
40 Yasheng Huang and Tarun Khanna. Can India Overtake China? // China Now. April 3, 2004. http: // www. chinanowmag. com / business / business. htm. См. также: Yergin and Stanislaw. Op. cit. Ch. 8 and 10.
41 World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization // A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All. Geneva: International Labor Office, 2004.
42 О тенденции к росту социального неравенства в сравнительной перспективе см.: Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy. Op. cit. Специальные доклады также содержат соответствующую сравнительную информацию.
43 D. Harvey. The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Ch. 4.
44 A. Roy. Power Politics. Cambridge, Mass: South End Press, 2001.
45 P. Dicken. Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21st Century. New York: Guilford Press, 4th edition, 2003. Ch. 13.
46 О важности распространения рисков через финансовые деривативы см.: Panitch and Gindin. Op. cit.
47 Gowan. Op. cit.
48 R. Wade and F. Veneroso. The Asian Crisis: The High Debt Model versus the Wall Street-Treasury-IMF Complex // The New Left Review. 1998. 228. P. 3–23.
49 J. Stedile. Brazil’s Landless Battalions // T. Mertes (ed.) A Movement of Movements. London: Verso, 2004.
50 Roy. Op. cit.
51 D. Rodrik. The Global Governance of Trade: As If Development Really Mattered. New York, United Nations Development Program, 2001. P. 9.
52 D. Chandler. From Kosovo to Kabul: Human Rights and International Intervention. London:Pluto Press, 2002. P. 89.
53 Chandler. Op. cit. P. 230.
54 T. Wallace. NGO Dilemmas: Trojan Horses for Global Neoliberalism? // Socialist Register. London: Merlin Press, 2003. P. 202–219. Вообще о роли неправительственных организаций см.: M. Edwards and D. Hulme (eds). Non-Governmental Organisations: Performance and Accountability. London: Earthscan, 1995.
55 L. Gill. Teetering on the Rim. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
56 J. Cowan, M-B Dembour and R. Wilson (eds). Culture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
57 A. Bartholomew and J. Breakspear. Human Rights as Swords of Empire // Socialist Register. London: Merlin Press, 2003. P. 124–145.
58 Ibid. P. 126.
59 Chandler. Op. cit. P. 27; 218.
60 Ibid. P. 235.
61 D. Harvey. The Right to the City, forthcoming in R. Scholar (ed.) Divided Cities. Oxford
Amnesty Lectures.
62 Harvey. New Imperialism.
63 Bartholomew and Breakspear. Op. cit. P. 140.
64 Wang Hui. Op. cit. P. 44.
65 R. Hofstadter. The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996.
66 Chandler. Op. cit. P. 223.
67 B. Gills (ed.). Globalization and the Politics of Resistance. New York: Palgrave, 2001; T. Mertes (ed.). A Movement of Movements. London: Verso, 2004; W. Bello. Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy. London: Zed Books, 2002; P. Wignaraja (ed.). New Social Movements in the South: Empowering the People. London: Zed Books, 1993; J. Brecher, T. Costello, and B. Smith. Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity. Cambridge, Mass: South end Press, 2000.
68 D. Harvey. The New Imperialism. Op. cit. Ch. 4.
69 D. Harvey. Spaces of Hope Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000. Ch. 12.
70 Исчерпывающую картину см.: Task Force on American Democracy. Op. cit.
71 Например, этот аргумент часто повторяется применительно к Китаю: Wang Hui. Op. cit.
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